About Department
The Department of English is one of the vibrant departments in DBCK since its inception in 2015. The Vision of the Department has been to strive for academic excellence and to advance research expertise in the core areas of English Literature. The Department has been offering instruction for the award of the degrees of B. A. English Honours under Nagaland University prescribed semester syllabus. One of the major responsibilities of the Department is the ‘General English’ course, which is taught across the university – to all undergraduate courses in all subjects, whether it is Science, Commerce or Arts.
One of the aims of the Department is to help undergraduate students develop academic distinction together with refining skills and abilities required in the professional world. At present, there are 99 students from different parts of the state. The department has students from other states as well.
The Department has 4 Faculty Members with specialization and publications in major areas of literary studies like Multiculturalism, North East Writings in English, English Language Teaching, Postcolonial Literature, Literary Theory, Culture Studies.
The Department organizes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, in addition to class lectures.
At present, Dr. Toshimenla and Dr. Adenuo Shirat Luikham have undertaken a major project supported by the State Government Special Fund on the topic “Kaleidoscopia of Folklores: A Naga Chapter”
Year Of Establishment
JUNE 2015 under Nagaland University
Excel, Express and Execute
Vision Of The Department
To enhance the creative and critical thinking among the students
To give exposure to students for their overall personality development so as to become active participants in shaping the future of the world
To encourage the students to do research work
Mission Of The Department
The Department of English, DBCK aims at implementing the art of speaking & writing English language very seriously, identifying the problem and giving emphasis like conducting additional language classes & even engaging professionals hereby establishing in our own capacity an Assessment body/ cell to identify such problems
The Department aims to use technology/ mass media to promote English Literature
The Department aims to give platform for exposure & interaction of the students in different levels. Different modes of communication like discussion, presentations and brainstorming etc
The department aims to cater to the needs of the Educational institutes assessment and accreditation which has become necessity in identifying institutes to know its strengths and weakness but also propels the institute towards innovative thinking and its adoption and gives the institutes a new sense of direction and identity
B.A. English
Dr. Toshimenla (HoD)
M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, NET
Asst. Professor
Dr. Pinky Sagolsem
M.A., M. Phil, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor
Dr. Adenuo Shirat Luikham
M.A., NET, Ph.D
Asst. Professor
Mr. Rhilo Mero
Asst. Professor
Dr. Toshimenla
“Multiculturalism in Jhumpa Lahiri’sThe Namesake” HYPHEN (An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Art & Culture), Vol. 3, No.1, Jan 2012. ISSN: 0975-2897
“Postcolonial Reading of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness” Fazl Ali College Journal. Vol 4: 2014. ISSN: 2319-6769
“Relevance of Folktales in Modern Times: A study on selected Ao Folktales” Urbanisation and Folklore: Emerging Issues and Perspective. (2018). Ed. M. Medhi, P.Borah& M. Mahanta. Dept. of Folklore Research, Gauhati University. ISBN: 978-93-87035-32-4.
“Mapping Diaspora and Multiculturalism towards Literary Development” DogoRangsang Research Journal. Vol.10 Issue. 09 No. 04 September, 2020. ISSN:2347-7180
“Theme of Exile in selected poems of Lakshmi Gill, HimaniBannerji& Surjeet Kalsey” Novel Reseacrh Anthology on Literature, Feminism & Social Studies. Ed. Ratnakar D Bala. ISBN 978-93-90146-06-02
“Multiculturalism in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss” JuniKhyat Research Journal (A Peer-Reviewed and Listed in UGC Care List). Vol:11 Issue 4 No. 2 April 2021 ISSN: 2278-4632
Dr. Pinky Sagolsem
“A Contrastive Study of English and Manipuri Consonant Clusters. Language in India”. ISSN 1930-2940. Vol.14:11. November 2014.
“Contrastive Phonotactics of Consonants in English and Assamese.” IJELR. ISSN-2349-9451.Vol.1Issue3,2014.
Innovative Approach to Creative Writing: Teaching Practical Criticism Prose. Novel Research Anthology on Literature, Feminism & Social Studies. Ed. Ratnakar. D. B., ISBN 978-90146-06-2.
The Place of Women Talk in Androcentric Society. Intersectional Feminism:Crosswords of Empowering Differences. Ed. Riya Mary Peter, ISBN 978-93-90891-37-5. 2021.
Innovative Teaching of English Literature in Virtual Classroom. Framework of Language, Literature and Communication: Tracing Harmony and Culture through English. Ed. G. Suneetha Bai et al. ISBN 978-93-5529-035-9. 2021.
Dr. Adenuo Shirat Luikham
Short story published titled “The Piano Lesson” in Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. IV. Issue-V, September 2015, ISSN 2278-9529
Bisous. Poesy. Collection of Poems published 2019. ISBN: 978-81-940182-2-3
“A Critical Appraisal of Fiction in English by Women Writers from India’s North-East”, Quest Journals, JRHSS, Vol. 8, Issue 4., 22 July, 2020.
“Examining the Emergence of Feminist Consciousness in the Select Fiction of Contemporary North East Women Writers”, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, Special Conference Issue, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1-7, 2020, ISSN: 0975-2935
“Navigating Ancestral Shores: A Study on the Revivalism of the Transcendentalist’s Reverential Treatment of Nature in Select Poems of Mary Oliver”, Global Journal, GJHSS, Vol. 21, Issue 7., 61-64, June 2021, ISSN: 2249-460X
“The Female Experience of Violence in Nagaland: A Critical Study of TemsulaAo’s These Hills Called Home: Stories from a War Zone and Laburnum for my Head Stories”, Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Author Press, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-90459-95-7.
“The Two Sides of a Coin: A Critique of the Auxiliary Power of the Matriarch in Patriarchy as seen in Easterine Kire’s A Terrible Matriarchy”, Gender Narratives: ReinterpretingLanguage, Culture and Tradition in Nagaland, Heritage Publishing House, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-90723-42-3.