


Don Bosco College Kohima is affiliated to Nagaland University and recognized by UGC under section 12B of the UGC Act 1956. DBCK has introduced the Shift system: Shift I and Shift II from the academic session 2021-22. At present, offering Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance, Bachelor of Arts in Education, English, History, Political Science, Sociology and Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Botany and Zoology. DBCK initially started with a total strength of 10 teaching faculty, 3 nonteaching faculty and 138 students in the year 2015, however at present, it has grown to a full-fledged undergraduate college with a total strength of 48 teaching faculties, 11 non-teaching staff and 1027 students in the academic year 2023-24.

DBCK has 4.86 acres of land with a clear demarcation of the land with concrete boundary wall, sufficient for a college campus as registered in the name of Salesians of Don Bosco, Dimapur, Nagaland. The infrastructure of the college includes, two blocks for shift 1 and shift 2, various offices such as office of the Principal, Vice Principal, Administrative Staff, 3 Staff rooms, conference hall, Computer Center, 17 classrooms with furniture and IT facilities, Laboratories, Library with approximately 7046 volumes, Canteen, Assembly hall, Common room, Prayer hall, Auditorium/ Multi Purpose Hall with seat capacity for 400, Sporting complex and car parking area.

Institutional distinctiveness

Value Based Education to mould young person.

The biggest strength of DBCK is its preventive system a faith and value-based educational system which was developed by Don Bosco during the 19th century. The preventive system is based on three pillars namely, reason, religion, and loving kindness. DBCK through preventive system is molding students by imparting holistic and personalized education. The ultimate aim of the preventive system was not just to render young people profitable for the economy, but as a method for them to find autonomy in life, becoming “good souls and honest citizens”. DBCK with preventive system of education fulfills its vision statement.teaching staff and 1027 students in the academic year 2023-24.

The needs, interests and aspirations of the students are taken into consideration and nurtured accordingly. DBCK is thriving and takes pride in making it’s marked in university ranks every academic year since its establishment. The academic departments organize curricular activities, like invited talk, orientation programme, debate, workshops by inviting renowned academicians to enthuse the student community. To stay in tune with recent advancement in field of technology students are given opportunity to acquire first hand experiences on Over Head Project (OHP), Power Point presentations, Models/charts, and access to internet world. The college conducts remedial classes and special classes for slow learners by giving extra lectures, assignments, and class test etc. to motivate and encourage the student community towards academic excellence.

The academic departments arrange visit to orphanage home, old age home, prison, field trips and educational tours to expose the student community about the significance of social services and responsibilities. Mentoring is conducted twice in a semester. A mentor helps mentees with exploring careers, setting goals, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling taking into account the problems shared by the mentees. It is an effort to make the students acquire the art of self expression.

Co-curricular activities like College Week, Cultural Programs, Quiz, Inter-Collegiate Competition etc are organized to inculcate in them the sense of unity and acceptance. There is a Provision of various types of indoor, outdoor games and sports as well as indigenous games for all students in the college for physical development. To knit students closer to society, NSS and NCC programs/activities, mass social works, cleanliness drives, plantation of trees, flash mob, cross country race are organized frequently.


Spiritual Commitment

Don Bosco College, Kohima gives importance to spiritual development of each student and staff. As means to promote spiritual growth, the college cultivates habit of beginning each programme or class with words of prayer, along with other weekly and monthly religious services.


In line with the college motto- “Duty and Joy”, students and staffs of Don Bosco College, Kohima keeps high sense of being responsible and dedicated in service both in and off-campus. All Bosconians are committed in providing service for intellectual development, building relationship and social growth as a whole.


Aspects such as honesty, respect, discipline and sincerity are the fundamental beliefs of Don Bosco College, Kohima. The college strives to achieve excellence not only academically but instill in the young minds the sense of cultivating moral values and positive human virtues.

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