

Don Bosco College Kohima

2023Dr. Pinky SagolsemPost-Colonial Indian Fiction and Social Consciousness with Reference to Northeast Writing in EnglishNarrative Techniques in The Legend of Pensam by Mamang DaiISBN 978-93-82606-86-5Don Bosco College KohimaView
2023Dr. Pinky SagolsemDiscourse on Cultural Heritage in Contemporary NagalandRe-Examining the Women Narratives in the Naga Literary WorldISBN 978-93-93396-31-0Don Bosco College KohimaView
2023Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamKeeper of Stories: Critical Readings of Easterine Kire’s NovelsCritical insights on the treatment of death in Easterine Kire’s A Terrible MatriarchyISBN 979-8-987-93390-9Don Bosco College KohimaView
2023Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamHomegrown: Anthology of New Writings from NagalandPoems and Short StoryISBN 978-93-93396-22-8Don Bosco College KohimaView
2023Dr. Khikeya SemyBioprospecting of Tropical Medicinal PlantsEthnobotanical Study of Medicinal Herbs used by the Naga Tribes of Eastern HimalayasISBN 978-3-031-28779-4Don Bosco College KohimaView
2022Dr. Jarani MaoGlobal Journal of Applied Engineering in Computer Science and MathematicsAn Interface between NEP and Inclusive EducationISSN 2582-9939Don Bosco College KohimaView
2022Dr. Velhou KozaSociologically Imagining Beyond BoundariesPrevention of Substance Abuse in NagalandISBN 978-93-81662-56-4Don Bosco College KohimaView
2022Dr. Lanukumla AoThe Cultural Heritage of NagalandSacred Groves - A Cultural Heritage of NagalandISBN 978-93-91928-84-1Don Bosco College KohimaView
2022Dr. Jarani MaoInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative ResearchStyle of Parenting Culture and its DeterminantsISSN 2394-7780Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Pinky SagolsemFramework of Language, Literature and Communication: Tracing Harmony and Culture through EnglishInnovative Teaching of English Literature in Virtual ClassroomISBN 978-93-5529-035-9Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Pinky SagolsemIntersectional Feminism: Crosswords of Empowering DifferencesThe Place of Women Talk in Androcentric SocietyISBN 978-93-90891-37-5Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Tsutshowe-ü SekhamoHistorical Development in North-East India: Trends and PerspectivesStructuring the Past of Khezhakeno: An Ancestral SiteISBN 978-93-5171-187-2Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Tsutshowe-ü Sekhamo and Dr. Vekhou KozaNortheast India: Readings in Cultural LifeThe Study of Customs and Traditions in Khezhakeno Village: Some Reflections on Changes and ContinuityISBN 978-93-5171-187-2Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Lanukumla AoHistorical Development in Northeast India: Trends and PerspectivesSacred Groves of Nagaland and their EthosISBN 978-93-5171-187-2Don Bosco College KohimaView
2021Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamGlobal Journal GJHSSNavigating Ancestral Shores: A Study on the Revivalism of the Transcendentalist’s Reverential Treatment of Nature in Select Poems of Mary OliverISSN 2249-460XDon Bosco College KohimaView
2020Dr. Pinky SagolsemNovel Research Anthology on Literature, Feminism & Social StudiesInnovative Approach to Creative Writing: Teaching Practical Criticism ProseISBN 978-93-90146-06-2Don Bosco College KohimaView
2019Dr. Adenuo Shirat LuikhamInternational Journal of Humanities and Social SciencesISBN 978-81-940182-2-3Don Bosco College KohimaView
2018Dr. ToshimenlaUrbanisation and Folklore: Emerging Issues and PerspectivesRelevance of Folktales in Modern Times: A study on selected Ao FolktalesISSN 2319-7129Don Bosco College KohimaView

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