Institutional Repositories
Sl. No. | Institutional Repository | Origin | Description | URL |
1 | Inflibnet | India | Here you can find articles published in all conventional proceedings of INFLIBNET Centre, More over you can also look for various training material, press clippings, news letters etc | VIEW |
2 | NISCAIR | India | You can now access full text articles from research journals published by CSIR-NISCAIR! Full text facility is provided for all nineteen research journals viz. ALIS, AIR, BVAAP, IJBB, IJBT, IJCA, IJCB, IJCT, JEB, IJEMS, IJFTR, IJMS, IJNPR, IJPAP, IJRP, IJTK, JIPR, JSIR & JST. NOPR also hosts three Popular Science Magazines viz. Science Reporter (SR), Vigyan Pragati (VP) & Science Ki Duniya (SKD) and a Natural Products Repository (NPARR). | VIEW |
3 | eGyanKosh | India | A National Digital Repository in India which store, index, preserve, distribute and share the digital learning resources developed by the Open and Distance Learning Institutions in the country. | VIEW |
4 | NIT, Rourkela | India | An open access repository containing resources pertaining to Odia literature and culture, OAOB provides free access to researchers, scholars, historians, librarians, and the general public at all point in time. | VIEW |