

Bosco Internal Complaints Committee

The Bosco Internal Complaints Committee (BICC) aims to cater to the grievances of the Bosco family. The BICC under its banner is set up specifically to look into matters of grievance relating to and Parents. The Committee is also responsible to take up matters and issues relating to ragging and sexual harassment in the college campus.

Objectives of the Committee

  • To ensure a free, impartial and consistent student, staff, parent or alumni affiliated to Don Bosco College, Kohima.

  • To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and incomplete confidentiality;

  • To uphold the dignity of the institution by promoting cordial student Student-teacher relationship, teacher

  • To further advise and guide for Bosco family.

Concept of Grievance under the committee:

A grievance is a formal complaint raised by any student, staff, parent or alumni. A person under the banner of BICC filing or coming forward for grievance redressal will be termed as a ‘Grievant’

When to come forward for grievance redressal:

When there is any kind of dissatisfaction or negative perception, whether expressed or out of anything connected with institution that time a student, staff, parent or Cells and In-charges:

There are Five (5) cells under the BICC viz.

  • Students Grievance Redressal Cell - (Fr. Dr. Tious Varghese SDB)

  • Academic Staff Grievance Redressal Cell - (Dr. Toshimenla)

  • Administrative Grievance Redressal Cell - (Dr. Pinky Sagolsem)

  • Alumni Grievance Redressal Cell - (Dr. Imtinaro Longkumer)

  • Parents Grievance Redressal Cell - (Ms. Nutsolu)

  • Student Grievance Redressal Cell - (Dr. Tovika Swu)

The in-charges are elected for a period of five academic years, and each cell is monitored by a teaching faculty.staff, parent or Cells and In-charges:

There are Five (5) cells under the BICC viz.

Roles and responsibilities

1. Students Grievance Redressal Cell

1. Students Grievance Redressal Cell

Students Grievance Redressal Cell aims to attend to the grievances and complaints registered by anyone with regard to the activities of the Institution, and in particular, those made by students. Any form of discontent or dissatisfaction on the part of the students can be informed to the cell. The Cell ensures effective solution to the grievances, using a fair approach. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all instances of student misconduct are dealt with fairly and consistently and provide a clear procedure to guide students.


The policy refers to all the Students in the college regardless of position and status.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

The concerned Grievance can contact 9436283185 or write your Grievances

Click Here

Redressal of the Grievance

The Students Grievance Redressal Cell will act upon those grievances which have been dropped in the complaint box.

Any grievance/ complaint received by the cell is forwarded and discussed with the college authority to arrive at a concrete solution.

To ensure effective solution to the Students grievances with an impartial and fair Approach, suitable person or persons, incharges etc as per the nature of the grievance will investigate the reason of dissatisfaction.

The cell will put all effort to resolve matters of grievance pertaining to DBCK students, with all respect and regard.

2. Academic Staff Grievance Redressal Cell

The Academic Staff Grievance Redressal Cell aims to look into the complaints lodged by any academic and redress it as per requirement. Any Don Bosco Academic staff can come forward with grievances concerning issues or matters related to the college. The cell is solely constituted to encourage academic staff to express their grievances/ Complaints/ problems freely, frankly and in a constructive way so as to foster a supportive and pleasant workplace for everyone.


The policy refers to all the Academic Staff in the college regardless of position and status.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

  • Any academic staff with a genuine grievance may approach the teacher in- charge in person or may drop the concern in the “Staff Grievance Drop Box”, placed ———–

  • The Academic Grievance Redressal Cell will act upon those grievances accordingly with suitable person or persons, incharges etc as per the nature of the grievance.

  • The cell aims at bringing a solution to all matters amicably and at its earliest.

  • The cell is not responsible for taking up personal or private issues.

3. Administrative Grievance Redressal Cell

The Administrative Staff Grievance Redressal Cell aims to look into the complaints lodged by any administrative and redress it as per requirement. The administrative staff can state any grievance regarding any issue or matter within the college campus through grievance suggestion box. The cell is solely constituted to encourage the administrative staff to express their grievances/ Complaints/ problems freely, frankly and in a constructive way so as to foster a supportive and pleasant workplace for everyone.


The policy refers to all the Administrative Staff in the college regardless of position and status.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the teacher in- charge, or in consultation with the Principal. In case the staff is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the grievance box allocated for the purpose and put in front of the Girls’ Common Room.

Redressal of the Grievance

  • The Administrative Grievance Redressal Cell will act upon those grievances which have been dropped in the complaint box.

  • Any grievance/ complaint received by the cell is forwarded and discussed with the college authority to arrive at a concrete solution.

  • The cell aims at solving the matter at the earliest.

4. Alumni Grievance Redressal Cell

The Alumni Grievance Redressal Cell aims to look into the complaints reported by the alumni and redress it as per requirement. The Cell will work under the Alumni Association of the college, and is open to listening and addressing to grievances of alumni. A grievance/complaint will be treated as an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, to which the cell will respond. The Cell will ensure that all grievance/complaint will be responded in a courteous and efficient way.


The policy refers to all passed out students of Don Bosco College, Kohima.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

The concerned Grievant can contact 9436283185 or write your Grievances

Click Here

Redressal of the Grievance

  • The Alumni Grievance Redressal Cell will act upon those grievances e-mailed to the cell designated email id or calls received at the designated phone number.

  • Any grievance/ complaint received by the cell will be forwarded and discussed with the Alumni Association, DBCK or further discuss with college authority to arrive at an amicable solution.

  • The cell will put all effort to resolve matters of grievance pertaining to DBCK alumni’s, with all respect and regard.

5. Parents Grievance Redressal Cell

The Cell is open in listening and addressing to grievances of parents/guardians concerning their wards and the college as a whole and resolving the same for the larger good. A grievance/complaint will be treated asan expression of genuine dissatisfaction, to which the cell will respond. The Cell will ensure that all grievance/complaint will be responded in a courteous and efficient way.


The policy refers to all parents/guardians of students of Don Bosco College, Kohima of Don Bosco College, Kohima.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

The concerned Grievant can contact 9089161591

Redressal of the Grievance

  • The Parents Grievance Redressal Cell will act upon those grievances which have been received via email and personal phone call.

  • Any grievance/ complaint received by the cell is forwarded and discussed with the college authority to arrive at a concrete solution.

  • The cell aims at solving the matter at the earliest.

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